Catalogue » Breweries, beer and cider production equipment – the product catalogue » FBC : Final beverage conditioning » PAS : Pasteurisers » BTP : Tunnel pasteurizers » BTP-1200P : Tunnel pasteurizer 1200 bottles per hour (for beer, cider and other beverages)

BTP-1200P : Tunnel pasteurizer 1200 bottles per hour (for beer, cider and other beverages)

Price only on demand

The  tunnel pasteurizer BTP-1200P with capacity 1200 bottles or cans per hour is intended to pasteurize beverage product inside cans or bottles to desired temperature, which should assure proper microbiological stability of the beverage produced(heat treatment process).

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The  tunnel pasteurizer BTP-1200P with capacity 1200 bottles or cans per hour is intended to pasteurize beverage product inside cans or bottles to desired temperature, which should assure proper microbiological stability of the beverage produced(heat treatment process).



  • Beer and beverage industry
  • Vegetable and fruit processing
  • Ketchup and sauces
  • Jams
  • Liquid food


Description of the construction :

Construction of the machine is made completely from stainless steel AISI 304. This means that there are no parts from cast or iron or carbon steel. Result of this important fact is construction, which enables long life period of machine and corresponds to standards in food production industry. The machine is designed as monolith.

Tunner beer pasteurizer 1200 bottles per hour

** The photo is symbolic (an actual pasteurizer can be in different design)

The machine is placed on multiple (height adjustable) legs, enabling adequate distribution of load and overcoming potential differences in floor heights.

Important construction feature is also fully sanitary execution. Construction is completely welded. This means that practically all parts in contact with spraying water are waterproof (there is no point that would be only point welded). Also, from the outside surfaces majority of welds is continuously welded which provides lower possibility of impurities load.

Construction is designed (especially on inside but also on outside) in a way that where possible, all surfaces are inclined, so there is no possibility that water would be held and microorganisms would have chance to develop. This way we provide that the machine inside space stays longer intact and will be still without bad influence of smell, molds etc. On the outside, also roof of the pasteurizer is inclined, as well as top of the water tanks. This ensures that after external cleaning of machine all potential water residuals drip to the floor.

Next important construction feature is minimized water tanks below each zone enabling that minimum amount of water is at all times inside pasteurizer. Consequently, minimum amount of water goes to drain every time water inside pasteurizer needs to be replaced.

In concrete case single deck pasteurizer is foreseen for the project task. Construction of pasteurizer is designed on a way that multiple top and side manholes are available for easy approach to the inside for supervision and maintenance.

Top of the pasteurizer is covered with removable covers for inspection and maintenance reason.

** The photo is symbolic (an actual pasteurizer can be in different design)

Each pool has its own door for cleaning the tunnel and one central outlet for water. All pools are equipped with double mechanical filter sieves in order to prevent any dirt particles in the water to travel to the nozzles and to block them.


On the inlet and outlet of pasteurizer inspection doors made from stainless steel are installed.

Conveying system of the pasteurizer :

The tunnel pasteurizer is equipped with 1 independent main transporting belt. Width of transporting belt is approximaly 1180 mm.
Composing parts of pasteurizer are also in-feed and discharge conveyor (app. 1.500 mm from in-feed or discharge of pasteurizer), with electro motor drive together with frequency controller.

Main belt is running on supporting guides (wear stripes). Construction is indicated on below photo – parallel per module further different modules has displaced wear stripes (looking from the perspective of “neighbour” modules) in order to prevent cans or bottles from falling. With this it is assured that platform is adequate and that in every position, cans or bottles stand stable and there is no possibility of falling inside the pasteurizer.

Conveying system of the tunnel pasteurizer

Pumps and nozzle system :

The tunnel pasteurizer is equipped with suitable number of pools (10) and centrifugal pumps which transport water to nozzles. Pumps (parts in contact with water are from stainless steel) are protected from dry work with level probes in pools.

Main pumps are designed to assure flow of approx. 6,5 m3/h. Supporting pumps could have different flow depending from the purpose.

Spraying with process water inside pasteurizer is preformed trough register of nozzles which is placed on the top of the machine. Nozzles are producing fine fog of water that assures adequate transfer of heat energy. Nozzles are from plastic material.

Used type of nozzles is very simple to maintain due to easy system of fixing on the distribution pipes.
Nozzles are side (tangential) mounted on each spraying bar. This reduces possibility of blocking.

Standard distance from nozzle registers and main belt is 400 mm.


Instrumentation, controlling and automation :

Tunnel pasteurizer is equipped with multiple safety providing elements as well as quality and up-to-date software which enable simple control of all pasteurizer’s functions.

Offered machine has installed following measuring and regulating equipment:

  • Automatic water level correction (water tanks have installed level probes and in case of too low water level, water is being dosed automatically)
  • Automatic temperature regulation (system is equipped with regulating system at steam / hot water inlet which feeds pasteurizer with steam/hot water water accordingly to actual needs)
  • Automatic control of can over load on the main belt (inductive sensor installed on outside conveyors switches off the feeding conveyor in case of too big pressure)
  • Controlling and management of tunnel pasteurizer is executed through PLC computer and a ​touch panel. Electrical control cabinet is supplied in stainless steel execution and it is of IP 65 rate.

The control panel is installed on main electrical cabinet and is based on the Siemens industrial computing system.

The pasteurizer is equiped with our own developed software. Software is designed on a way that enables automatic control and overview of complete pasteurization process. Process parameters are visualized and displayed on user friendly interface. Software also logs and visualizes all process alarms.

Software is protected by password for various levels (administrator, operator, and maintenance).

Standard part of our software is also so called “boiling out” program, enabling periodical complete machine sanitation. This program enables thermal sterilization of complete system. Details about temperatures and durations are to be agreed with a customer.

During start up two recipes are foreseen to be commissioned. Any additional recipes are subject of additional cost.


Materials used, quality and standards the components :

  • Tunnel construction and construction pipes are made from AISI 304 material.
  • Pipeline seals are of EPDM material
  • Guides profile is polyethylene UHMWPE placed on stainless steel guides.
  • All gaskets (that are not defined differently) are EPDM material, on steam graphite.


Components used:

  1. Pumps: LOWARA
  2. Electro components: SCHNEIDER ELECTRICS
  3. PLC computer: SIEMENS
  4. Touch control panel: SIEMENS
  5. Measuring and regulating equipment: E&H
  6. Cable trays from stainless steel shape G and U, net without top cover
  7. All stainless steel is purchased in Europe with certificates according to EN 10204


Adding any chemicals into the water of tunnel pasteurizer must comply with the resistance of these materials and has to be guaranteed from the local chemical distributor!


Dynamic active PU control

Dynamic PU (number of pasterization units) control enables that in no case product is over pasteurized. System’s platform is virtual deviation of pasteurizer to multiple rows which enables us to always monitor in which position are cans inside pasteurizer. In case of stoppage the system reacts on a way that main belt inside pasteurizer is stopped and cooling of cans in overheating and holding zones starts with intention to reduce product temperature below PU cut off point (for beer is calculated at 70ׄ°C). Our software is monitoring the duration of stoppage for the whole time and on a basis of wide range of heat transfer coefficients we know exactly how much time we need to cool in order to cool down product below PU cut off temperature and after stoppage is dismissed, we know exactly how much time we need to re-establish temperature regime that was in function before stoppage and to start of the main belt again.

Important matter is that dynamic active PU control does not end here. For every stoppage it is normal that product receives more PU than planned in balanced conditions. This means that for further process temperature SET points of next temperature zones are lowered in order to reach defined PU (inside agreed tolerances). This is happening also in case of multiple stoppages following one after another and in no case, product can exit over pasteurized (of course also under-pasteurization is not possible).

With technology of dynamic active PU control we can provide perfect pasteurization process with minimum impact to product organoleptic characteristics.

Standard process:
• Automatic control and regulation of PU is based on precise software which calculates (and monitors the exact position of cans inside the pasteurizer) current amount of received pasterization units.
• In case of stoppage on the line, pasteurizer starts cooling in required zones (overheating and holding zones) with goal of reducing product temperature below PU set point. This is obtained in order to prevent overdosing with PU’s.

• When stoppage on the line is dismissed, software again recalculates necessary temperature of spraying water in order to reach regime before stoppage occurred.

• Necessary temperature regime is projected on the basis of received samples, filled with an individual beverage product. In our laboratory pasteurizer all monitoring will be done prior to start of manufacturing of suitable system.

E&H registrator

E&H registrator RSG series RSH offers paperless recording, visualization and monitoring of all the crucial process values at the same time.

It is foreseen that module is mounted on the pasteurizer electro cabinet. All data that is recorded, is archived on SD card and can be used further on.

Ecograph offers a possibility of ethernet connection to local computer, enabling the transfer of recorded data for purposes of monitoring of the curtail parameters in real time.

Local computer and Ethernet connection are not in scope of supply and their ensure is a customer’s obligation.


Dosing of chemicals

In order to preserve the process water that is stored inside to tunnel for as long as possible and in the meantime reduce chance of cans corrosion, we offer an option of pre-installed system for dosing of chemicals – biocide & anticorrosive chemical solutions.

The dosing is of the two chemicals is done by two separate pumps, and is done directly in-line with support of a flow meter. The exact quantity of the chemicals dosed in to the water can be set on the pumps, while the dosing is then executed automatically. Along with the pumps a floating level switch is also suppled (if the chemicals level in the cannisters gets low, the machine signals an alarm).

System is foreseen for dosing biocide solution at 80 ppm and anticorrosive solution at 25 ppm . If different concentrations of chemicals are required, this should be agreed at the beginning of the project.

Note: if customer decides to install his own hardware for dosing of chemicals it is necessary to follow instructions of a producer regarding type of chemicals and their concentrations. In opposite case machine elements can be damaged.



UPS provides emergency power to a machine when the input power source or mains power fails or is disrupted. It ensures that CPU and HMI stay powered, so all crucial parameters are not lost. This is especially beneficial in case of pasteurizers with active PU control, where production can be restarted much more precisely with exact PU values.


Condensate removal armature

In scope of basic equipment, machine is supplied with manual shut-off valve, steam cleaning piece and pressure gauge on steam pipeline. As an optional upgrade we are offering you additional armature on condensate pipeline, which offers easy and simple connection in single point, while simultaneously offering practical maintenance. Condensate removal is foreseen by simple steam trap, active condensate pump (if required) is not included in scope of supply.

Scope of supply includes:

  • Ball float steam trap (1 pc)
  • Thermostatic steam trap (1 pc)
  • Non-return valve (2 pcs)
  • Manual ball valves (4 pcs)
  • Additional piping material



Steam pressure reduction equipment

If pressure of steam on site is higher than 3,0 barg, steam pressure reduction equipment is required. In scope of supply, we are offering you:
• Steam pressure reducing valve (1 pc)
• Safety valve (1 pc)
• Additional piping material.




  • Gross width: 2.776 mm
  • Length: 7.170 mm
  • Height: up to 2.300 mm
  • Treatment surface: 8 m2



Technical parameters

Product: Carbonated beverages (beer, cider, sparkling beer, carbonated water etc.)
Purpose: To pasteurize product inside the glass bottles and to assure microbiologically stabil product.
Capacity: Up to 1.200 bottles per hour (valid for 330 ml cylindrical bottles with diameter 55mm)
Filling temperature: It is considered that a product enters the pasteurizer with temperature approx. 2°C .
Foreseen temperature regime : – inlet temp.: T1 = 2ºC
– pasteurizing temperature Tp = 74.ºC*
– outlet temp.: T2 = 20-30ºCAbove stated temperatures represent average temperature measured directly on the inlet and outlet of the tunnel after product is mixed, before temperature probe is inserted in the centre of the container.
* at PU level = 4
Formula used for calculation of PU = t x 1,259 Tp-80
t = holding time on pasteurization temperature
Tp = temperature of pasteurization
T cut-off = 74°C
Process time :
– holding on pasteurizing temperature: app. 25,3 min
– total cycle: app. 128.0 min
Installed electric power :
P = app. 12 kW
Voltage supply: 3Ph, 400V± 5% / 50Hz± 2%
Net system: TN-S
Required heat energy Will be provided after confirmation of temperature regime.
Compressed air : Consumption and conditions :

ca 300-500 l/h
p = 6-8 barg

Requirement for the quality control of air hight solids
• particle size – max. 5 um
• particle density – max. 5 mg/m3 (quality class 3)
• water content – dew point +2°C (quality class 3)
• oil content, oil free max. 25 mg/m3 / oil (quality class 3)

Softened water : Normal production
(only for topping up the system for the water that evaporates and is taken out heat from the pasteurizer):Consumption and conditions :
p = 2-3 barg
Q = approx. 900 l/hRequired quality of water is:
• Soft water – total water hardness 4-6°dH
• pH > 7
• Without particles
• Conductivity ≥ 50 mS/cm
• Temperature approx. 15°C
• Max amount of chlorine dioxide 0,2 ppmConsumption during stoppages and at the end of production is different.
Dimensions : – gross width: 2.200 mm
– belt width: 1.180 mm
– length: 7.170 mm
– height: up to 2.300 mm
– treatment surface: 7 m2Pasteurizer is of monolith construction.Dimensions stated above are general dimensions. Exact dimensions will be accordingly to provided layout of the machine.
Conveyors / belt : 1. main belt
single lane belt – 1.180 mm wide2. feeding belt conveyor:multi – row conveyor (length: 1,5 m);
plastic belt, height 1.100 ± 50mm


3. exit belt conveyor:

multi – row conveyor (length: 1,5 m);
plastic belt, height 1.100 ± 50mm



  • Gross width: 2.200 mm
  • Length: 7.000 mm
  • Height: up to 2.300 mm
  • Treatment surface: 7 m2



Price list :


Tunnel pasteurizer 1200 bottles per hour On demand
Dynamic PU control On demand
E&H registrator On demand
UPS On demand
Dosing of chemicals On demand
Condensate removal armature On demand
Steam pressure reduction On demand
Remote maintenance On demand

Optional services :

I. Installation work on the place …. On demand

The price is valid for all countries of the European Union. The price includes seven days work (+ two days travelling) of two specialists on the place – assembling and start up of the equipment.

The price does not include : transports costs and accomodation of the workers. Will becalculated individualy.


II. Installation work ensured by customer (with our remote assistance) …. On demand

Remote assistance

Do you want to save your money ? Are you technically skilled and not afraid of challenges? Do your country’s hygienic restrictive regulations not allow a visit of a specialized technician from a foreign country? Don’t be afraid to use the remote assistance service.


How is the installation of the filling line by our customer, using our remote assistance?

1.) The customer positiones all the machines and connects them to power guided by our checklist.

2.) Once photos were sent of the completion of the preliminary phase we proceeds with the start up and commissioning.

3.) First we connects the PLC of the machine via internet to our service console in our factory — this allows our service manager to view and control your PLC on a remote screen, as if he was in front of the machine in person.

4.) We then organise a Microsoft Teams conference call, with one your worker holding the camera, and the others working around the our technician´s instructions.

5.) After only 3-5 days setting up and configuring, first full glass bottles or cans will leave your filling line.



tenance manuals are supplied exclusively in English language.