CiderLine MODULO 250M-45B

Original price was: € 23675 – € 55512.Current price is: € 23327 – € 42466. excluding tax

The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 250M-45B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 1500 to 4500 liters of cider. The actual annual production capacity depends on the selected duration of the production cycle (typically 2-6 months). This configuration of the CiderLine includes set of fermenting/maturing cylindrical-conical tanks with usable volume 4x 240-300 lt. All tanks except one are usable for both cider fermentation and maturation process. One tank is used as a buffer tank during the fruit-must cleaning process, carbonation process or bottling process (or filling a cider into other packages like kegs, PET etc.)  Simple design with independent devices allows easy assembling of all the cider production line by customer without our specialists. This configuration doesn´t include an assembly work – a customer ensures it himself according the assembly manual. Optionally we can deliver the CiderLine Modulo including installation work (for an assembling fee and our worker´s team transport and accomodation costs).

For easy manual control of the cider fermenting and maturating process, CCT tanks are equipped with simple PLC temperature controllers.

Fruit washing Fruit washing

FWS-250 : Fruit washing sink 250 liters

Stainless steel sink for manual washing fruit.

Table with single-chamber washing tub 1200x600x850 mm made of stainless steel. Welded joins. Chamber height 300 mm. Battery hole with a diameter of 33 mm / blinded / in the middle of the chamber.

 688 excluding tax

Fruit pressing Fruit pressing

HAP-90SP : Water fruit press 90 liters (with manometer)

HAP-90S is a hydraulic fruit press with the production capacity up to 90 liters of must per hour - recommended for cider production lines with small capacity.

Modern fruit presse that operate with an inflatable central rubber membrane with connection to a water tap. Normal water pressure forces the membrane to expand, pushing the juice to the perforated stainless steel basket. Quick and effective operation, with as little as 3 bar pressure. Delivered completely with stainless steel basket, manometer, security valve, rubber bag and 'anti splash coating'.

 1035 excluding tax

Fermentation-maturation system Fermentation-maturation system

CFSCT1-1xCCT200SNP-3xFMT200SLP : Complete fermentation set with 1xCCT-SNP 240 liters and 3xFMT-SLP 240 liters

The complete beer fermentation set. This set CFSCT1-1xCCT200SNP-3xFMT200SLP includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort using the fermentation and maturation process. The set consists of 1 pc of non-pressure cylindrically-conical tank 240 liters (for the primary fermentation) and 3 pcs of the pressure cylindrical tanks 240 liters (for the secondary fermentation). The set includes one dedicated compact water/glycol cooler with the integrated digital temperature control system and all sensors, hoses, wires and fittings. This set is also designed for the production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine.

The set CFSCT1-1xCCT200SNP-3xFMT200SLP consists of :

  • 1 pc of the CCT-SNP-200DE simplified non-insulated cylindrically-conical tank 200 liters (total capacity 240 liters) with one cooling zone – the special container for the pressureless primary fermentation of beer (cider, wine) - for the primary fermentation
  • 3 pcs of the FMT-SLP-200H simplified non-insulated cylindrical fermentation tank 200 liters (total capacity 240 liters) with one cooling zone - the special container for both fermentation and maturation of beer (cider, wine) under pressure max. 1.2 bar - for the secondary fermentation
  • 1pc of the compact water/glycol chiller 2300 W with four independent digital temperature regulators, four temperature sensors, foru pumps
  • Hoses and fittings to connection between cooler and tank.
  • Installation manual
 17606 excluding tax

Heater for the primary fermentation tank Heater for the primary fermentation tank

CLC-1P1200 : Compact liquid chiller and heater 1.2 kW with one pump and temperature regulator

The CLC-1P1200 GreenLine V is the compact water or glycol cooler with integrated condenser. This cooling unit is designed to cool, with the accumulation of ice or water heating. It can be used for cooling beer, ciders, freeze-drying wines or heating mash. Cooling power is 1200 W (5/8 HP).

Original price was: € 2298.Current price is: € 1950. excluding tax

Mobile pump Mobile pump

PP-22 : Portable centrifugal pump Liverani NEOS 3/4" 220W / 230V 50Hz

Portable centrifugal pump Liverani NEOS 3/4" with stainless steel core , motor power 220W,   for using in brewery/ciderline. The pumping-over beer/cider (between tanks, during filtering process or cooling of the wort) and santitizing solutions between vessels, cleaning of vessels and pipes. The power cord 1.5 m with plug connector 1ph 230V/50Hz (central europe standard) and power switch are  included.

with the hand grip

 535 excluding tax

Connection material Connection material

XAH-N200 Hose set for breweries and cider production lines with capacity up to 200L per batch

Base hose set for all connections between equipment of the breweries and cider production lines with capacity up to 200 liters per batch.

 700 excluding tax

23712 23364 excluding tax

SKU: clm-250m-45b Category: Tags: , ,


CIDER LINE MODULO 250M-45B – The modular cider production line

The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 250M-45B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 1500 to 4500 liters of cider. The actual annual production capacity depends on the selected duration of the production cycle (typically 2-6 months).

This configuration of the CiderLine includes set of fermenting/maturing cylindrical-conical tanks with usable volume 4x 240-300 lt. All the tanks except one are usable for both cider fermentation and maturation process. One tank is used as a buffer tank during the fruit-must cleaning process, carbonation process or bottling process (or filling a cider into other packages like kegs, PET etc.)  Simple design with independent devices allows easy assembling of all the cider production line by customer without our specialists.

This configuration doesn´t include an assembly work – a customer ensures it himself according the assembly manual. Optionally we can deliver the CiderLine Modulo including installation work (for an assembling fee and our worker´s team transport and accomodation costs).

For easy manual control of the cider fermenting and maturating process, CCT tanks are equipped with simple PLC temperature controllers.


Scheme of the CiderLine MODULO :

CIDER LINE MODULO 250M-45B - The modular cider production line - scheme

Technical parameters :


Production capacity  :

  • 1500 liters of cider per year – for 6-months production cycle
  • 2250 liters of cider per year – for 4-months production cycle
  • 3000 liters of cider per year – for 3-months production cycle
  • 4500 liters of cider per year – for 2-months production cycle


Raw material :

  • Fresh fruit : apple, pears immediately after their collection
  • Crushed fruit : The crushed fruit, which is stored in vacuum bags at low temperature (usually from 1 to 4 months max)
  • Fruit concentrate : The concentrate of the fruit mash, which is stored in vacuum bags at low temperature (usually from 1 to 9 months max)
  • CO2 in pressure bottles (cylindres)
  • Washing and sanitizing solutions


Control system :

  • Fruit crashing and pressing process – manual control
  • Tanks – fermentation, maturation, must purging :
    • temperatures – PLC controllers
    • timing – manual control
  • Washing and sanitation process :
    • temperatures – PLC controllers
    • pumping, washing – manual control


Required space for building :

  • Floor area min : 18 m2
  • Room height min : 2.0 m


Electrical connection :

  • Electrical socket : 400V 3ph / 50 Hz
  • Electrical consumption : 21 kW


Cooling system :

  • Cooling of tanks : Each CCT tank is cooled by independent water (optionally glycol) cooler.
  • Cooling of room where are FUIC units placed :
    • Days with normal temperature – Air ventilation (by windows or ventilator)
    • Days with very hot temperature – Air ventilation with air-condition support (it is not part of the CiderLine)



  1. CO2 reduction valve + pressure bottles with CO2 gas : The inert gas for pushing of apple cider between tanks and filling of apple cider into packages.
  2. CIP station : The tank washing and sanitizing unit : The equipment for perfect and easy cleaning and sterilization of all vessels using sanitizing solutions.
  3. Carbonization stone : Optional accessory for CCT tanks that allows carbonation of apple cider – this equipment is used for production of some types of apple cider.
  4. Fruit sorting table : The stainless table is using for handy sorting of fruit before its washing in the machine.
  5. Fruit washer : Fruit is washed in the tub with water without circulation of water. Then fruit drips in the drying tunel equipped with the transportation belt.
  6. Fruit washer and motorized crusher : Combi machine the fruit washer-dryer-crusher with production performance 1000 kg of fruits per hour.
  7. Fruit belt press : The belt press is designed for pressing of fruit mass. Fruit mass is placed on the belt which presses it against cylinders.
  8. Fruit must pump : The equipment for the transport of fruit juice from the fruit press to the fermentation tanks using pump and hoses.
  9. Flotation machine : Flotation equipment for purging of fruit juices before its fermentation process.
  10. Mixing-homogenizing tankStainless steel tank equipped with side agitator for mixing and homogenizing of must prepared from concentrate.
  11. Yeast regenerator tanks : Special equipment to regeneration and storage of apple cider yeast.
  12. Keg washer and filler : The equipment to easy and quick rinsing and sanitizing of stainless steel kegs and to filling of kegs with apple cider.
  13. Bottle rinsing and filling machine : The equipment to easy and quick cleaning, sanitizing,  capping of bottles and filling of apple cider into bottles.
  14. Filtration equipment : An equipment to mechanical removal of live yeast from the beverage.
  15. Pasteurizer : An equipment to temperature sterilization of the beverage (killing of remaining organisms)
  16. Serving tanks : Stainless pressure vessels to storage of finalized apple cider before its bottling or filling into kegs.
  17. Dispenzing tanks : Stainless pressure vessels to storage of finalized apple cider before its dispenzing into glass in the cider production line.