Catalogue » Breweries, beer and cider production equipment – the product catalogue » CIP : Cleaning-sanitizing stations » CIP-203 : Cleaning and sanitizing station 3×200 liters (the mobile CIP machine)

CIP-203 : Cleaning and sanitizing station 3×200 liters (the mobile CIP machine)

 12150 17111 excluding tax

The CIP-203 is a mobile machine to the sanitation and sterilization of vessels and piping routes. This is a fully equipped system for breweries and other food production plants : Cleaning-In-Place. The CIP equipment provides heating and circulation of alkaline and acid solutions using a pump through pipe system, hoses and sanitary shower that sprays sanitary chemical solutions on interior walls of the sanitized vessel. The device consists of three separate containers with nominal volume of 200 liters and one neutralization vessel (90 l), one centrifugal pump, electric control panel, manual valves and all installation pipes as well. Digital temperature control in range of 0-60 °C (optionally up to 80°C with the special pump seal).  This type of the CIP station is recommended for cleaning and sanitation of fermentation tanks, storage tanks, water tanks with volume from 0 up to 8000 liters and all piping routes and other facilities that come in contact with beverages or food.

Functions of the tanks:

  • Tank for water or cold alkalic sanitizing solution
  • Tank for hot alkalic sanitizing solution.
  • Tank for cold acidic sanitizing solution.
  • Neutralizing vessel for a neutralization of acid and alkaline solutions before they pour into the drain

The equipment CIP-203 is installed in a rigid frame provided by lockable wheels. Used material is stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304) or 1.4404 (AISI 316) according of selected variant. Containers (vessels) are not insulated.


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Mobile CIP station 3×200 liters | Cleaning-In-Place machine

Equipment to the cleaning and sanitizing of vessels, hoses and piping routes in breweries and other food production plants, with three tanks 200 liters, pump and heating

The CIP-203 is a mobile machine to the sanitation and sterilization of vessels and piping routes. This is a fully equipped system for breweries and other food production plants : Cleaning-In-Place. The CIP equipment provides heating and circulation of alkaline and acid solutions using a pump through pipe system, hoses and sanitary shower that sprays sanitary chemical solutions on interior walls of the sanitized vessel. The device consists of three separate containers with nominal volume of 200 liters and one neutralization vessel (90 l), one centrifugal pump, electric control panel, manual valves and all installation pipes as well. Digital temperature control in range of 0-60 °C (optionally up to 80°C with the special pump seal).  This type of the CIP station is recommended for cleaning and sanitation of fermentation tanks, storage tanks, water tanks with volume from 0 up to 8000 liters and all piping routes and other facilities that come in contact with beverages or food.


CIP unit 3×200 liters with the neutralizing vessel

Its function is based on a circulation of alkaline or acid solution through a sanitary shower, which sprays it onto the walls of a vessel and also into its space. It is also equipped with a flowheater with a digital regulation of temperatures ranging from 0°C to 80°C.

The CIP consists of three main tanks for alkaline and acid solutions and one vessel used for a neutralization of the solutions. The circulation of the sanitary solutions is provided by a pump and a system of connecting hoses.

Functions of the tanks:

  • Tank for water or cold alkalic sanitizing solution
  • Tank for hot alkalic sanitizing solution.
  • Tank for cold acidic sanitizing solution.
  • Neutralizing vessel for a neutralization of acid and alkaline solutions before they pour into the drain

The equipment CIP-203 is installed in a rigid frame provided by lockable wheels. Used material is stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304). Containers (vessels): not equipped with insulation.


Description of the cleaning-sanitizing cycle


The cleaning-sanitizing cycle usually consists of these steps :

  1. Pre-rinsing  – rinsing of the production equipment using cold or hot water.
  2. Cleaning – cleaning of the production equipment using circulated hot water.
  3. Rinsing – thorough rinsing of the production equipment using cold or hot water.
  4. Chemical disinfection (sanitation) – washing of technology using alkaline and then acid sanitizing solution at the desired concentration.
  5. Rinsing – thorough rinsing of the production equipment using cold or hot water.
  6. Neutralization –  is performed after the finish of several cleaning and sanitizing cycles – mixing alkaline and then acidic sanitizing solution to achieve neutral pH of the solution and their discharge to the channel.



CIP cleaning and sanitizing process - diagram

More informations : All about the process Cleaning-In-Place



CIP-203 / Mobile CIP station 3x200 liters | Cleaning-In-Place machineParameters

  • Width 2550 mm
  • Height 1930 mm
  • Depth 1000 mm
  • Weight 430 kg
  • Container with cold caustic solution 200 liters (non-insulated)
  • Container with hot caustic solution 200 liters (non-insulated)
  • Container with cold acid solution 200 liters (non-insulated)
  • Boiling chamber 12 l
  • Heating elements 3x 2200 W
  • Neutralization vessel 90 l
  • Distribution piping DN 40
  • Armatures (outputs / inputs) DN 40, 1.4301
  • Centrifugal pump, type EBARA CD/I 90/10 IE3, 0.75kW 90 l/min, 230V/50Hz (AISI 316L)
  • Electric switchboard
  • Main electrical connection 3*400V/50Hz 16A
  • Circuit breaker 230V 16A
  • Digital regulator Dixel XR 10 D
  • Contactor of heating 230V 16A
  • Motor starter 230V
  • Probe NTC 6 mm
  • Cable 5x 1.5 5m
  • Inlet (suction part) GG DN 32
  • Outlet (delivery part) GG DN 32
  • Transport dimensions  : 2700 x 1000 x 2150 cm (height) / 500 kg




  • Version CIP-203-304 : Pump inner parts and heating chambers are made from stainless steel AISI 316. Pipes, fittings, frame and tanks are made from stainless steel AISI 304.
  • Version CIP-203-316 : All parts are made from stainless steel AISI 316.



  • Equipment CIP 203 36 months
  • Electric installation 24 months
  • Pump 24 months



Pipe connections :

(Standard version – all connections may be different type by the customer´s requirements)

Description Version DC :  DIN 11851 (Dairy couplers) Version TC :  DIN 32676 (TriClamp couplers)
Water inlet DIN 11851 / DN 40 (external thread) DIN 32676 / TriClamp 1,5 ” DN 40
CIP chemical solution outlet DIN 11851 / DN 40 (external thread) DIN 32676 / TriClamp 1,5 ” DN 40
CIP chemical solution inlet (return) DIN 11851 / DN 40 (external thread) DIN 32676 / TriClamp 1,5 ” DN 40
Tank overflow outlet (discharge into the neutralizing container) DN 25 pipe (without a pipe coupler) DN 25 pipe (without a pipe coupler)
Tank draining (discharge into the neutralizing container) DN 25 pipe / BSP G 1″ (without a pipe coupler) DN 25 pipe / BSP G 1″ (without a pipe coupler)
Draining the neutralizing container DIN 11851 / DN 25 (external thread) DIN 32676 / TriClamp 1,5 ” DN 25




Technological scheme of the CIP-203 station connected with an external tank to be cleaned and sanitized

  1. Black marked – standard equipment of the CIP station
  2. Blue marked – optional self-cleaning kit (usable for the self-cleaning of the CIP station)
  3. Orange marked – optional hose cleaning kit (usable for the cleaning the hoses and pipes)


CIP-53/103/203 Technological scheme

Standard equipment (black marked):

  • Tank A : Alkaline vessel for alkalic cleaning-sanitation of all brewery equipment
  • Tank B : Acid vessel for acidic cleaning-sanitation of all brewery equipment
  • Tank C Water tank for heating and storage of hot water
  • Tank D: Neutralizing vessel for a neutralization of acid and alkaline solutions before they pour into the drain
  • Pump : Circulation pump EBARA
  • Heaters : Electric heating elements in separate chambers
  • F1 : Fitting-armature to connection of hose for the sanitizing solution inlet (return from the sanitized tank)
  • F2 : Fitting-armature to connection of hose for the sanitizing solution outlet (spraying of the sanitized tank)
  • F4 : Fitting-armature to connection of hose for the filling the CIP with water
  • V11: Valve to filling the tank A
  • V12: Valve to filling the tank B
  • V13: Valve to filling the tank C
  • V21: Valve to suction of sanitizing solution from the Tank A to the pump
  • V22: Valve to suction of sanitizing solution from the Tank B to the pump
  • V23 : Valve to suction of sanitizing solution from the Tank C to the pump
  • V31: Valve to draining of the Tank A
  • V32: Valve to draining of the Tank B
  • V33: Valve to draining of the Tank C
  • V1: Valve to open/close of the sanitizing solution inlet (cleaning of the tank)
  • V2: Valve to open/close of the sanitizing solution outlet (cleaning of the tank or hose or pipe)
  • V4: Valve to open/close of the water inlet
  • V6: Valve to draining of the Tank D


Self cleaning kit (optional equipment) :

  • V12: Valve to suction of sanitizing solution from the Tank D to the pump
  • V51 : Valve to cleaning of the Tank A
  • V52 : Valve to cleaning of the Tank B
  • V53 : Valve to cleaning of the Tank C
  • The spraying ball in the tank A
  • The spraying ball in the tank B
  • The spraying ball in the tank C


Hose cleaning hit (optional equipment) :

  • F2 : Fitting-armature to connection of hose for the sanitizing solution outlet (cleaning of hose or pipe)
  • F3 : Fitting-armature to connection of hose for the sanitizing solution inlet (return from the sanitized hose or pipe)
  • V2: Valve to open/close of the sanitizing solution inlet (cleaning of the hose or pipe)
  • V3: Valve to open/close of the sanitizing solution outlet (cleaning of the hose or pipe)
  • V5: Separation valve to use for the cleaning of the hoses and pipes

Optional equipment – prices :


Maximal temperature of chemical solutions :

  • Temperature of chemical solutions is maximally 60°C … included in basic price
  • Temperature of chemical solutions is maximally 80°C … surcharge for a special pump seal … 290 Eur


Insulation of the tanks (to save energy of heated solutions)

  • Insulation of the tanks with mineral wool and outer jacket made of AISI 304 ….. 868 Eur (1 tank) / 1563 Eur (2 tanks) / 2084 Eur (3 tanks)
  • Insulation of the tanks with mineral wool and outer jacket made of AISI 316 ….. 1155 Eur (1 tank) / 2079 Eur (2 tanks) / 2772 Eur (3 tanks)


Self-cleaning packet (the blue elements on the CIP scheme)

  • Self-cleaning packet made of AISI 304 … 1056 Eur
  • Self-cleaning packet made of AISI 316 … 1372 Eur
  • Rotating spray heads (instead the static spray heads) … 418 Eur


Hose cleaning set (the orange elements on the CIP scheme)

  • Hose cleaning packet made of AISI 304 … 669 Eur
  • Hose cleaning packet made of AISI 316 … 869 Eur


Flow speed regulation :

  • Frequency controller for the pump speed regulation (without measure of the flow speed) … 788 Eur
  • Frequency controller for the pump speed regulation with measure of the flow speed – setting of desired stabil flow speed is possible … 2100 Eur


Conductivity meter :

  • Conductivity meter : Mettler Toledo EasySense77 conductivity sensor (0.2 – 400mS/cm) with the Transmitter M200 numeric display unit … 3938 Eur

Conductivity meter : Mettler Toledo EasySense77 conductivity sensor (0.2 - 400mS/cm) with the Transmitter M200 numeric display unit

CIP-AM3 : Automatic control system for CIP-103/203

CIP-AM3 is an automatic control system for the mobile Cleaning In Place systems with three tanks. The automatization includes all functions necessary to perfect cleaning and sanitation of all containers and optionally also pipes and hoses in a brewery using a special program, sensors, motorized valves and PLC industrial computer with the no-touch display.



  • Version CIP-203-304 : Pump inner parts and heating chambers are made from stainless steel AISI 316. Pipes, fittings, frame and tanks are made from stainless steel AISI 304.
  • Version CIP-203-316 : All parts are made from stainless steel AISI 316.



Why to use the CIP for cleaning and sanitation of the brewery equipment ?

advantages-01Advantages of our CIP stations compared to the simple cleaning and sanitatizing technology with a pump:

  1. Less preparatory work: Sanitizing solutions are always prepared in the CIP containers and they are available in the desired dilution for several cleaning and sanitizing cycles. Their preparation before each cleaning and sanitizing cycle is not needed.
  2. Increasing work safety: Limiting the frequency of manipulation with sanitizing solutions reduces the likelihood of burns the operator when handling concentrated acids and alkalis.
  3. Saving of time and energy: Continuous heating of cleaning and sanitizing solution during the cleaning and sanitizing cycles and keeping them at a prescribed temperature increase considerably the efficiency of cleaning and sanitation, resulting in time saving operation of the equipment and saving of electricity consumption. All cleaning process, pump operations, heating of sanitizing solutions and water, they all take significantly less time, require less human work and electric energy.
  4. High efficiency of cleaning and sanitation: Compared with the cleaning and sanitizing of the food processing equipment by simple circulation pump there is still the same temperature of the sanitizing solutions during all time of the CIP cycle, if our CIP unit is used for this operation. Cleaning and sanitation with hot water and disinfectant solutions is definitely more effective than the same procedure with cold solutions, and therefore containers and equipment are perfectly clean after disinfection and washing cycles and are also free of organic and other impurities, which is desirable not only in the brewing industry but also in any other beverage or food production process. This is a prerequisite for compliance with legal hygiene requirements.
  5. Simple and efficient neutralization of acid and alkaline solutions after use: Neutralizing vessel (part of the CIP station) allows easy, safely and completely neutralize the used acid and alkaline sanitizing solution before pouring into the channel. It fully meets the requirements of laws to protect the environment and prevents damage to sewerage systems and other building components. Furthermore, this increases the safety when handling used washing and sanitization solution.

Additional information

Weight 500 kg
Dimensions 2700 × 1000 × 2150 mm

AISI 304, AISI 316

Processed quantities