CEM-250SH Compact energy-modul for breweries Modulo 250SH

 25136 excluding tax

 4080 for 1 pcs.

The CEM-250SH Compact energy-modul for breweries Modulo 250SH includes more equipment in function as sources of energy for breweries of the Modulo 250SH line. Compatible with wort brew machines Breworx Modulo Classic 250 and Breworx Modulo Lite-ME 250 – only versions with the steam heating system.  The compact modul consists of :

      1. Main base frame with adjustable feet.
      2. Water treatment system for drinking water.
      3. Air compressor with carbon filters and air dryer.
      4. Compact water chiller (with sufficient capacity for cooling of the storage tank drinking treated water)
      5. Electric power switch cabinet.
      6. Hot steam generator

Only one power supply cable with standard plug connector 3ph / 400V / 32A is needed to powering of entire wort brew system.


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The CEM-250SH Compact energy-modul for breweries Modulo 250SH includes more equipment in function as sources of energy for breweries of the Modulo 250SH line. Compatible with wort brew machines Breworx Modulo Classic 250 and Breworx Modulo Lite-ME 250 – only versions with the steam heating system.  The compact modul consists of :

  1. Main base frame with adjustable feet.
  2. Water treatment system for drinking water.
  3. Air compressor with carbon filters and air dryer.
  4. Compact water chiller (with sufficient capacity for cooling of the storage tank drinking treated water)
  5. Electric power switch cabinet.
  6. Hot steam generator

Only one power supply cable with standard plug connector 3ph / 400V / 32A is needed to powering of entire wort brew system.

Description  :


1. Main base frame with adjustable feet

Stainless steel frame serves as base for mounting of all equipment in our factory. Pipe and wire ports to connection with other compatible modules of the Breworx Modulo 250 brewery system (CBM – Compact brewing modul and CWM – Compact water management system and wort cooling modul) are included as parts of the frame.


2. Water treatment system for drinking water

WTS-26 Water softener and iron reduction system

The automatic water treatement equipment with ECOMIX -A (deironing, demanganization, organic matter, softening, ammonia removal).


3. Air compressor with carbon filters and air dryer

ACO-8 Air compressor with microfiltration 8m3/hour 

Air compressor with 3-level sterilization unit and production capacity 8 m3 per hour. The air compressor is used for safety filtration, affining and tapping or bottling of beer or cider without the risk of purchased infection by foreign organisms that are contained in the ambient air. It is necessary to use sterile air, therefore there are both double mechanical filtration and microfiltration processes. The Compressor consists of a oil-free compressor with electromotor, pressure vessel, three-level air filtration system and condensate dryer.


4. Compact water chiller (with sufficient capacity for cooling of the storage tank drinking treated water)

CWC-C45MLT Compact water chiller 4.2 kW (Tmin -10°C) Microchannel

The CWC-C45MLT is the compact water cooler with integrated condenser and cooling capacity from 1.6 kW (-10°C) to 4.2 kW (+15°C) with Micro-Channel technology. The micro-channel condenser allows the unit to operation on about 30% less cooling gas, it is more silent and even consumes less energy. The ‘plug-and-start’ unit CWC-C45MLT has a compact design. It is space-saving and easy to assemble. The cooler is equipped with a hermetic motor compressor and a cooling water circuit containing water tank and centrifugal pump. Suitable for cooling tanks with output / input cooling media fittings 2x ½” AG (male).  Designed in Germany.

5. Tank overflow protection kit

CWC-C1OFP Tank overflow protection kit for CWC-C 1Ph coolers

The ‘Over-flow protection kit’ prevents residual water from the pipes of open water-systems to over-flood the cooling unit’s integrated water-tank when the pumps are switched off.


6. Electric power switch cabinet.

The electric power switch cabinet includes all electric elements to powering of all devices that are installed on the base frame of this modul. Only one power supply cable with standard plug connector 3ph / 400V / 32A is needed to powering of entire wort brew system.

7. Hot steam generator

ESG-26 Electric and automatic hot steam-generator

Electric and automatic steam-generator, available from 9 to 18 kW (from 12 to 26 kg of hot steam per hour). Water feed can be connected directly to the water mains or to a condensate tank. Regulation of the working steam pressure is adjustable in range from 1 to 4.5 bar.