ARV-01 Rotable racking arm – beverage draining valve for CCT fermenters

 663 908 excluding tax

Rotable racking arm for conically-cylindrical fermentors serves to easy separation of yeast from the beverage in fermentation tanks without loss of product residues.

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 663 excluding tax

 132 for 1 pcs.

SKU: ARV-01-DN25 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


We recommend to use our new adjustable racking arm for easy separation of yeast from the beverage product (beer, cider, wine …) in fermentation and maturation tanks without loss of product residues. This system allows the precise height setting of the outlet pipe suction hole just above the actual level of yeast in the tank.BREWORX-VARIO-CCT-scheme


No more product loss – no unusable residues in the tanks.

adjustable-cct-racking-valve-04adjustable-cct-racking-valve-01Adjustable rackung valve for separation of yeast from the product in CCT






This fitting is designed for using with the pressuring tanks :

  • CCT – Cylindrical-conical fermenters
  • MLT – Maturating-lagering tanks

The ARV fitting is equipped with rotating arm (from DN 25 to DN 80), glass sight glass, pressure seal, handling lever and drain valve (from DN 25 to DN 80). Easy instalation on each type of a pressuring tank.   Material : AISI 304