Beverage kegs (beer kegs) – the best containers for storage and dispensing your drinks
Kegs are special pressure containers made of stainless steel, aluminum or plastic, designed for easy filling, temporary storage, easy portability and dispensing of drinks.
Their pressurized design allows kegs to be used primarily for carbonated drinks such as beer, cider, kombucha, sparkling wine, carbonated lemonades or teas.
Plastic kegs are mainly intended (with exceptions) for one-time filling and it is not recommended to wash them and refill them for further use.
Stainless steel kegs and aluminum party kegs are intended for repeated use, they can be chemically cleaned and then filled with special keg washing machines and counter-pressure keg filling machines or with manual keg filling valves.
Our range of kegs for drinks and accessories :
- Wide stainless steel kegs
- Slim stainless steel kegs
- Mini stainless steel kegs
- Kegmenters: Fermentation kegs
- Plastic kegs
- Keg accessories