Fully equipped sets for extraction of hops to cold beer : Dry hopping / Cold hopping. Each set includes one beer storage tank that is cooled by iced glycol solution. These sets do not include the cooling system (glycol cooler, pipes, glycol pumps, equipment for temperature measuring and regulation). We suppose the beer storage tank will be added to your current external cooling system based on glycol solution in your brewery.

CHS-500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 500L
CHS-500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 500L
not rated From: Original price was: € 22053.Current price is: € 20345. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-600BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 600L
CHS-600BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 600L
not rated From: Original price was: € 22972.Current price is: € 21086. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-1000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1000L
CHS-1000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 25026.Current price is: € 23931. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-1200BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1200L
CHS-1200BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1200L
not rated From: Original price was: € 25761.Current price is: € 24602. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-1500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1500L
CHS-1500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 1500L
not rated From: Original price was: € 26374.Current price is: € 25159. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-2000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 2000L
CHS-2000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 2000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 31898.Current price is: € 30626. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-2500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 2500L
CHS-2500BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 2500L
not rated From: Original price was: € 32607.Current price is: € 31269. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-3000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 3000L
CHS-3000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 3000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 33315.Current price is: € 31911. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-4000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 4000L
CHS-4000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 4000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 34758.Current price is: € 33221. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-5000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 5000L
CHS-5000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 5000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 38006.Current price is: € 36304. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-6000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 6000L
CHS-6000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 6000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 39819.Current price is: € 37954. excluding tax Add to Cart
CHS-8000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 8000L
CHS-8000BI Multifunction set for the cold extraction of hop and the carbonization of beer in the tank 8000L
not rated From: Original price was: € 51859.Current price is: € 49546. excluding tax Add to Cart