Catalogue » Breweries, beer and cider production equipment – the product catalogue » ZXX : Products not for sale » XAM - Assembling material » TTMMCS configurator » LC2Z - Local cooling 2-zone tanks » TTMMCS2-2A Local tank temperature manual measuring & control system for 2 pcs of double cooling zone fermenters

TTMMCS2-2A Local tank temperature manual measuring & control system for 2 pcs of double cooling zone fermenters

 2102 excluding tax

The control system TTMMCS2-2A allows the manual monitoring and controlling of temperatures in tanks. This is necessary function for controlled beer fermentation and maturation process and operations with media. This M&R system for temperature control is fully designed in Europe.

The tank temperature manual measurement and control system is designed as the simple assembly kit.

The TTMMCS2-2A is designed for the measuring and control of temperatures in 2 pcs of fermenters with two cooling zones on each tank.

Digital temperature regulators with termo-sensor Digital temperature regulators with termo-sensor

STTC-FC178F : Single tank temperature controller FermCont FIX (FermFIX) × 4

STTC-FF178 Single tank temperature controller FermCont is used in Breworx breweries and cider lines for measuring and control of temperatures in tanks (HWT, ITWT, ICWT, CCT, OFV, BBT ...). This temperature controller is designed for fix instalation, directly on the tank. The controller cooperates with  other components of the BTCCS (Breworx tank cooling control system). All the measuring and control system is Designed in Germany.

 150 excluding tax each

Electrical regulation valves Electrical regulation valves

STTC-MV15-24VS : Motorized electric valve (servo) 1/2" (DN15), 24VAC, NC, AISI 304 × 4

The STTC-MV15-24VS is 24V (AC 50Hz/60Hz) electric motorized valve DN15 made of stainless steel for one cooling channel. It is used for a quick opening and closing of the coolant pipe way of the one tank cooling zone. Each the motorized  valve is connected to the STTC-CB100 connection box. Threads DN15 (G 1/2") pipe connection . Designed in Czech republic.

 139 excluding tax each

Cables Cables

CCK-100 : Cable 100m for TTMMCS - one cooling zone × 4

Cables for power and data connecting of all components (one cooling zone) with TTMMCS manual tank temperatrure control system. Includes 100 meters of 3-wires insulated cable.

 75 excluding tax each

Power supply Power supply

TRMC-23024-200 Safety transformer for 1-10 controllers, 230V>24V/200VA IP65

Transformer 200 VA with a cabinet for tank temperature measurement & control systems with the 24 volt AC power supply standard. Input : 230V/50-60Hz , Output 24 V AC / 8.2 A. For power supply for up to  10 pcs of tank temperature controllers .

 362 excluding tax

2102 excluding tax


TTMMCS2-2A Tank temperature manual measuring & control system for 2 pcs of fermenters with two cooling zones


The control system TTMMCS2-2A allows the manual monitoring and controlling of temperatures in tanks. This is necessary function for controlled beer fermentation and maturation process and operations with media. This M&R system for temperature control is fully designed in Europe.

The tank temperature manual measurement and control system is designed as the simple assembly kit.

The TTMMCS2-2A is designed for the measuring and control of temperatures in 2 pcs of fermenters with two cooling zones on each tank.





TTMMCS allows the temperature management of :

  1. HWT – heat water tank
  2. ITWT – ice treated water tank
  3. ICWT – ice cooling water tank
  4. WCA – wort cooler and aerator
  5. LCS – glycol medium cooler
  6. Beer tanks :
    • CCT – cylindrical-conical tanks
    • OFV – opened fermentation vats
    • BBT – bright beer tanks
    • DBT – draft beer tanks


All system is powered by safety voltage 24V AC.