XR20D – Microprocessor temperature regulator

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XR20D temperature regulator is used in Breworx breweries for measuring and control of temperatures in tanks (HWT, ITWT, ICWT, CCT, OFV, BBT …). The controller cooperate with  WJ500 junction box, which makes wiring easy and convenient in brewery installation and VM800 electrovalves.


XR20D temperature regulator is used in Breworx breweries for measuring and control of temperatures in tanks (HWT, ITWT, ICWT, CCT, OFV, BBT …). The controller cooperate with  WJ500 junction box, which makes wiring easy and convenient in brewery installation and VM800 electrovalves.


The microprocessor temperature regulator XR20D is used to measure and regulate temperature. It is distinguished by:

  • The ability of controlling two valves (cooling and/or heating).
  • Integrated thermo sensor
  • Unambiguous and simple use.
  • Parametrizing at three levels (access protected with passwords, which prevents “coincidental” changes).
  • Possibility of connecting into network (RS485).
  • Design appropriate for humid environment and aggressive atmosphere
  • Alarm for upper and lower limited.
  • Simple assembly.
  • It is primarily intended for the use in winegrowing, beer fermentation and maturation or other food-processing industry.


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Technical specifications


1. The display shows

  • Current temperature
  • Setting up of parameters: set temperature, parameter or parameter value


2. General description

Models XR20C, format 32 x 74 mm, and XR20D, DIN rail format, are thermostats with off cycle defrost designed for refrigeration applications at normal temperature. They have a relay output to drive the compressor and a PTC or NTC probe input. A internal timer manages the off cycle defrost. The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard.


3. Controlling loads


3.1 Compressor

The regulation is performed according to the temperature measured by the thermostat probe with a positive differential from the set point: if the temperature increases and reaches set point plus differential the compressor is started and then turned off when the temperature reaches the set point value again.


3.2 Defrost

Defrost is performed through a simple stop of the compressor. Parameter “IdF” controls the interval between defrost cycles, while its length is controlled by parameter “MdF”.


4. Front panel commands



  • (SET): To display target set point; in programming mode it selects a parameter or confirm an operation.
  • (DEF): To start a manual defrost
  • (UP): To see the last temperature alarm happened; in programming mode it browses the parameter codes or increases the displayed value.
  • (DOWN): To see the last temperature alarm happened; in programming mode it browses the parameter codes or decreases the displayed value.



  • (UP) + (DOWN) To lock & unlock the keyboard.
  • (SET) + (DOWN) To enter in programming mode.
  • (SET) + (UP) To return to the room temperature display


4.1. Use of LEDs

Each LED function is described in the following table :



5. Temperature alarm and its duration recording (HACCP)

XR20C signals and records temperature alarms, together with their duration and max value reached. See drawing:



6. Scheme of connectors

