JOX-02 is the oxygen diffuser for alcoholic beverage production tanks. It is used to saturation of the wort, beer, wine or cider by sterilized compressed oxygen before or during the fermentation process inside the non-pressure vessels without using a special fittings. The diffuser is not connected with the tank. It is placed inside the tank from the top manhole. Passing it through a plug to prevent air entering or oxygen escaping is possible (not included). Compatible with the MTOM-1 Mobile tank oxygenation manager (OxyBox / OxyMan) or COM-16 Central Oxygenation Manager.
Wine, cider or beer oxygenation improves a quality of fermentation.
What do you need for use the beverage oxygenation process using the JOX-02 diffuser ?
Set I :
JOX-02 diffuser for each tank …from 1 to 16 pcs (this article)
COM-16 Cabinet – common case for installation up to 16 COM-1M modules, Cascadable … 1 or more pcs cascaded
COM-1M Module for COM-16 cabinet … 1 pc for each tank (up to 16 modules for one COM-16 cabinet)
- Plastic hose for oxygen

Set II :
JOX-02 diffuser for each tank …from 1 to 16 pcs (this article) – for each tank
MTOM-1 – the tank oxygenation manager (OxyBoy or OxyMan) – for each tank
Plastic hose for oxygen
What is Micro-Macro Oxygenation ?
MACRO-OXYGENATION – during the beginning of the fermentation: Stengthens the yeast cells and their re-gernationed cells. Every brewer, cidermaker or winemaker fears a stuck fermentation due to weakening of the yeast cells. Macro-ox at this stage contributes to the development of strong yeast cells that can carry the fermentation well to a complete ending. Helps to stabilize the color of red wine and taste of beer.
MICRO-OXYGENATION – after the fermentation: Improves wine aroma and flavor assimilating aging in a barrel, with more control over the Oxygen amounts. The oxygen binds the Tanins
(Phenols) stabilizing the color of the wine and giving it a fuller flavor and mouth-feel.
Wine Oxygenation can improves beer quality.
MACRO- OXYGENATION – during the beginning of the fermentation beer, cider or wine: Has the same beneficial effect on the yeast as in wine .
JET-OXYGENATION (CLIQUAGE) – A jet (spurt) of Oxygen into the tank at the beginning of the fermentation for similar effect as the Maco-Ox. Quantity controlled manualy by operator.
How it works ? Why to use the oxygenation jet in the brewery ?
Macro- Oxygenation – during the beginning of the fermentation: Has the same beneficial effect on the yeast as in wine (see here above).
Macro- Oxygenation is done only in the beginning of the fermentation to strengthen the yeast when the start to multiply. Yeast consume oxygen and sugar as nourishment, and produce alcohol and heat. As long as there is oxygen in the tank – they will multiply aerobically and regenerate larger and stronger cells which can bring the fermentation to a better finish. The risk of the yeast cells getting tired and not finishing the fermentation complete is drastically reduced.
Yeast that do not get extra dosage of oxygen, very soon consume all the oxygen in the tank, and begin to multiply un-aerobically. The regenerated cells are smaller and weaker. At the same time they start producing alcohol which is a poison to them, so the regeneration is slower and weaker in the presence of alcohol without added oxygen.
The amounts of oxygen are up to the brewer himself to decide according to his experience, brew-batch size, type of beer and yeast he is using.
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