CTTCS-A10 Cabinet for the tank temperature control system – up to 10 cooling zones

 1630 excluding tax

The stainless steel CTTCS-A10 cabinet for the CTTCS-A10S central tank temperature control system allows an automatic monitoring and manual controlling of the most important parts of beer fermentation and maturation process (from 1 to 10 cooling zones of tanks) using only one control cabinet . This cabinet may include up to 10 pcs of temperature regulators.


CTTCS-A10 Cabinet for the tank temperature control system – 10 cooling zones

The stainless steel CTTCS-A10 cabinet for the CTTCS-A10S central tank temperature control system allows an automatic monitoring and manual controlling of the most important parts of beer fermentation and maturation process (from 1 to 10 cooling zones of tanks) using only one control cabinet . This cabinet may include up to 10 pcs of temperature regulators.


CTTCS-A10 allows measuring and control of :

  1. HWT – heat water tank
  2. ITWT – ice treated water tank
  3. ICWT – ice cooling water tank
  4. LCS – glycol medium cooler
  5. Beer tanks :
    • CCT – cylindrical-conical tanks
    • OFV – opened fermentation vats
    • BBT – bright beer tanks



The elegant stainless-steel control cabinet CTTCS-A10 serves  to  control  tanks  temperature,  automatically,  from  a  central  point.  The  double-display  of measured (is-temperature) and set-temperature of all tanks  allows  over-all  control  at  a  glance.  The  settings  of any  tank  can  be  adjusted,  all  from  one  place.
An  integrated  computer  interface  allows  to  manage the CTTCS-A10 over  the  FERM-SOFTWARE,  with distance  access  over  internet .

Temperature sensors in various cable lengths, regulation valves and  accessories  are  also  available.


Technical parameters

Supply Voltage … 230±10%VAC/50Hz
Environment … -20°Cto 70°C, 30% RHto 85% RH
Case … Stainless Steel AISI 304
Temperature Inputs … Sensor: DB18B20 10 PCS probe inputs

Length: Standard length 1.5m (Option  Max130 meters)
Accuracy … accuracy of +/- 0.3°C and a resolution of 0.1°C.
Inside Controller … 10 PCS temperature controllers
Temperature range  … -9.9-99.9°C/14-212°F
Display … Drive for 3 digits LED display with operating mode status information (Heating and Cooling status).

Output : 10x connection for solenoid valves 12 VAC or electric motor valves 12 VAC.



The controller includes an RS485 network port. Max. distance 600 meters
Supports the following protocols … RMS (9600bps)

The controller can be configured for the following control options :
– Cooling relay 10A 24VAC


Technical data of the regulator:

  • Display of value:    -9.9°C to 99.9°C or 14.0~212℉
  • Resolution:              0.1°C or1℉
  • Deviation:          max +/- 0.5°C,+/-1℉
  • Consumption:            <3W (unloaded)
  • Supply voltage:          24 V DC
  • Output for cooling   10A 24VAC (relay)




Recommended set for measurement and control of 10 cooling zones :

1. Central cabinet with controllers

CTTCS-A10 Cabinet for the tank temperature control system – 10 cooling zones


The CTTCS-A10 control system allows automatic monitoring and manual controlling of the most important parts of beer fermentation and maturation process (from 1 to 10 cooling zones of tanks) using only one control cabinet .


2. Temperature controllers

STTC-FC150A Single tank temperature controller FermContCard for cabinets × 10

The STTC-FC150A Single tank temperature controller FermCont for cabinets is used in Breworx breweries and cider lines for measuring and control of temperatures in tanks (HWT, ITWT, ICWT, CCT, OFV, BBT …). This temperature controller is designed as a card for instalation into the CTTCS-A series cabinets. One STTC-FC150A controller measures and control temperature in one cooling zone.  All the measuring and control system is Designed in Germany.


3. Thermosensors for each cooling zone

TSC-15A Temperature sensor PT-1000 for CTTCS-A cabinets 15 meters, water proof x 10


Temperature sensor PT-1000 for CTTCS-A cabinets with 15 meters length cable, water proof . Temperature range: from  -9,9 to +99,9 °C . Sensor lenght : 10mm, Ø 8mm. Compatible with CTTCS-A cabinets.


4. Regulation valves

STTC-MV15-24VS Motorized valve DN15, 24VAC, Stainless steel × 10


The STTC-SM15-24VS  is  24V (AC 50Hz/60Hz) motorized valve for regulation of water/glycol cooling systems. It is used for a quick opening and closing of the coolant pipe way of the one tank cooling zone. Each the motorized  valve is connected to the STTC-CB100 connection box. Threads DN15 (G 1/2″) pipe connection . Designed in Czech republic.


5. Connection box

STTC-CB100F Connection box for the FermCont temperature controller FIX/IP65 × 10


The STTC-CB100F is a connection box for the STTC-FC178F Single tank temperature controller. It is used for the connection between the STTC-FC178F controller, the power supply and (optionally) the control computer. The STTC-CB100F and the STTC-FC178F FermCont are equipped for a fixed installation. All the this measuring and control system is Designed in Germany.